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  • Writer's pictureCourtney Diles

Things We Control on a Healing Journey

Updated: Jul 29

As the movie Inside Out 2 recently taught us, anxiety is an emotion best directed at the things we actually have control over. This has been a hard concept for me to grasp, and I know I'm not alone. 

Today, I had a medical procedure that involved being swaddled up and having a needle driven deep into my spine — deeper than any available anesthesia could reach — while fully conscious. It was terrifying. 

Today, I’d like to go through this infographic from Dani Fagan (@MyTMSJourney) to run through some of the individual elements I controlled in this situation. 

10 Things We Can Control on Our Healing Journey: How much we honor our current capacity, how we move and breathe, how much we elarn about ourselves and our condition, how we respond to setbacks, how much we prioritize ourselves, how much we listen to our intuition, how we protect our energy, how we celebrate our small victories, how much we allow ourselves to feel, how we speak to ourselves

  • How I responded to setbacks — I walked in drinking water only to find out I was supposed to stop consuming fluids two hours prior. This meant I was not eligible for conscious sedation. I owned my ignorance and choices and expressed my understanding and willingness to continue. 

  • How I prioritized myself — I followed through even when I wanted to quit, and I asked my husband to take time out of his workday to support me. 

  • How I listened to my intuition — After the procedure, I felt unsteady and my instincts told me to accept a wheelchair ride to the car instead of trying to walk. 

  • How I protected my energy — I made sure to sleep the night before and prep as much as I could for the morning. It wasn't easy to sleep, but I did what I could. 

  • How we celebrate our small victories — I summoned up all the joy I could. I also treated myself to Chinese food, a treat I only indulge in once or twice a year.

  • How much we allow ourselves to feel — I tried to stay as present with myself through the procedure as I could. 

  • How we speak to ourselves — Lately, I’ve been focusing on self-encouragement. I reminded myself I had done this before without significant trauma, and I could do it again. I reminded myself how hard I had worked to find a solution like this. I reminded myself of the ways I prepared and of brave things I’d done in the past. I also used breathing affirmations.

  • How much I honor my current capacity — I knew I could do it, and I did it. When they gave me the choice to slow down the procedure if I needed to, and I took them up on it.

  • How much I moved and breathed — I kept deliberately still, kept my muscles as relaxed as I could, and breathed deeply. Intentional muscle relaxation and breathwork are things I practice every day, and today that practice paid off. 

  • How much we learn about ourselves and our condition — I left the hospital today feeling more hopeful. This procedure was less painful than my last one and I have more confidence I can continue with them regularly as I seek to regain more control over my health and life. I was able to relax and control my body more than I thought possible on the operating table - when I was wheeled back into the patient room for vitals, my blood pressure and heart rate were lower than before. I also felt inspired to write this blog post. That’s a huge takeaway. Writing is certainly something I can control and a great way to process any difficult situation. 

  • Bonus: How and whether I express my feelings — I let the doctors and nurses in the operating room know I was scared and possibly having a trauma response. They asked what they could do for me, loosened the restraints, chatted with me, and kept me updated throughout the procedure. The choice to be kind was theirs — not all medical professionals respond this kindly to expressed feelings — but my choices paid off in this instance. 

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