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  • Writer's pictureCourtney Diles

Nourish Your Soul

This is one of my favorite artworks I've freehanded so far. It's just the corner of a mandala, transitioning into vines where I started to lose the pattern, but I love it! It's made with metallic watercolor and sharpie. I photographed it, edited it for clarity, and added the words on Canva. 

The saying goes, "Nourish the soul, starve the ego." I believe in the concept of healthy ego and self-esteem, but nourishing the soul is how we get there. I have been finding ways to nourish my soul instead of reaching for easy dopamine hits. 

For example, I used to go on social media binges culminating in doom scrolling and disturbing rabbit holes about paranormal activity or true crime. This was not great for my mental health. I followed more and more educational accounts to slow myself down and learn more along the way, and my social media experiences improved. I felt less need to obsess over darker curiosities when I was engaging my sense of wonder over poetry, astronomy, or the natural world around me. 

To be fair, true crime can be a valuable microlearning experience, too, especially for writers. Fellow writers, what types of educational content do you incorporate into your news feeds? How do they relate to your writing? 

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