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  • Writer's pictureCourtney Diles

Find Your Locus of Control

Find where your actual control is. Find out how that overlaps with your responsibilities, needs, and wants. It seemed horrific, at first, to accept that I was so small — but once I knew what my corner of responsibility for the the world looked like, I knew what to nourish.

In writing, or any form of art, the choice to express ourselves and find joy in that expression is bold and absolutely something we have the right to. How other people respond? Well, no matter how skillful we are or how much effort we put in, those choices still lie with others. So many factors in our success are out of our control.

It’s a painful thing to realize, but it sets you free. If the writing or art is no longer fun or fulfilling, if there’s no more joy in the process itself, you are free to make other choices.

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